Sunday Paddle

posted in: Kayaking, Salish Sea | 0

We’ve been trying to get out for as many long paddles as we can in preparation for our big trip. This time we decided to launch from Lowman Beach north of Lincoln Park and head south to Three Tree Point. The forecast called for relatively light winds until early evening. The day started with some fog but was supposed to burn off.

We headed south from Lowman Beach, round Pt. Williams, aka Colman Pool and made a b-line south. We stayed a good distance from the Fauntleroy ferry terminal, which had a ferry docked and ready to load boats for the milk run across the sound to either Vashon or Southworth.

The fog started to lift as we cruised around Brace Point. We decided to make a pee stop at Arroyo Beach and were greeted by Giovannina’s parents. Always nice to see friendly faces when you’re on a trip, even a small one.

We continued south cruising past Seahurst Park, and then Three Tree Point Itself. By the time we turned the corner just past the point, the sun was fully out and I was starting to get awful sweaty in my dry suit. I wasn’t Brave enough to attempt a roll to cool myself off, as I hear other kayakers will do. Actually, I’m not sure they really do this, but the more experienced ones brag that you’re supposed to roll when you get hot. Honestly, I think they’re full of it.

We had a great little lunch break south of the point, enjoying the views and soaking in the sun. Getting back on the water, we immediately realized we’d now be paddling into a pretty stiff breeze. We tried to hug the shore, hoping for some sort of lee, but there wasn’t much. Turning north around Three Tree, we got some choppy seas, and an even stiffer breeze, 15 – 20 knots. It was never a struggle, but it was definitely work. We stopped at Seahurst for another pee break and to rest the sore legs and arms. Feeling tired and not wanting to push things too much, we opted to land at the Arroyos Beach and see if someone could come get us. This turned out to be a very smart move as the wind continued to rise and we would’ve been rounding two separate headlines to get back to Lowman.

Sometimes it’s hard to make the call to cut a trip short, but after almost nine years of marriage, Giovannina and I have learned to cut to the chase and forego our individual egos (well, on our good days; thankfully this was a good day). Her dad came and met us and shuttled her back to our car. I put things in order and enjoyed the view.

All in all, a pretty great outing – sixteen miles total and about six hours on the water.