Woody Moses- Author

Born in Oregon, but raised in Rhode Island, Woody has always lived near the coast. He earned a B.A. in Biology with a minor in French from Vassar College and then moved back to the Pacific Northwest for an M.S. in Oceanography at Oregon State University. Since 2003, he has been living in Seattle where he works as a biology and environmental science instructor at Highline College. He spends his free time exploring the wonders of the Salish Sea and the majesty of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains.  He’s also been known to pick up a guitar or a hammer from time to time. Thankfully, the guitar still isn’t broken and the hammer doesn’t sound too bad. In 2012, Woody and his wife, Giovannina, spent nine months traveling the world. You can read about their adventures at their blog, Nine Months of Summer.

From time to time, Woody gives presentations about different things, usually natural history of the Pacific Northwest. Here are few of his recent talks

KGVM’s Wilderness and Wildlife May 27, 2020- Woody Moses on Orcas in Puget Sound