Hood Canal and Family

Granddaughter and Grandpa

We’re blessed to have a wonderful, loving family who all get along with each other and can celebrate the finest things in life- good health, loving, supportive relationships and the joys of playing in the ocean on a hot day. This weekend found us a little ways north of Tahuya, WA on the shores of Hood Canal. An absolute gem of a spot, the cabin is nestled among hundred foot trees while gazing out upon the Canal and the Olympic Mountains to the west.

Today the goal was Hoodsport. Giovannina and I paddled the two miles across the canal joined by Darren, Oriana and the girls. I wanted to pick up a bear canister for my upcoming backpacking trip in the Olympic National Park at the Wilderness Information Center. And get some ice cream. Gotta get ice cream. Light breeze, cloudless sky, deep blue green water. Gorgeous day on the water.

The winds picked up in the afternoon so we cut the visit short. A bit choppy on the way home, but never too rough.